Next JS Sep 10, 2023

Next JS 13 - Static & Dynamic Routes

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Next JS 13 - Static & Dynamic Routes

Understanding Dynamic and Static Routes in Next.js

In the world of web development, efficient routing is a fundamental aspect of building performant and user-friendly applications. Next.js, a popular framework built on top of React, offers a powerful routing system that can greatly impact your application's performance. In this article, we will dive into the concepts of dynamic and static routes in Next.js, discussing their differences and when to use each.

What Are Routes in Next.js

Before we explore dynamic and static routes, let's briefly understand what routes are in Next.js. A route in Next.js represents a specific segment or location within your web application. These routes define the paths your users take as they navigate through your site. For instance, you might have routes like "/dashboard" or "/analytics," and these can also include child routes like "/dashboard/settings."

Dynamic Routes in Next.js

Dynamic routes come into play when you need to handle requests that may have varying parameters. When a user visits a page with a dynamic route, such as "/dashboard/1," the server is responsible for processing the request. Here's how it works:

// Dynamic Route Example function Post({ params }) { return <div>Post {params.slug}</div>; return <div>Post {params.slug}</div>; }

In this example, we have a dynamic route named "slug." The "params" object allows us to access the parameter from the URL, which can be used to fetch dynamic data from a backend or database. While dynamic routes are flexible, they may not always be the fastest option due to the server's involvement in rendering and data fetching.

Static Routes in Next.js

Static routes, on the other hand, are pre-built during deployment and offer faster response times. These routes are suitable for pages that do not require real-time rendering by the server. Here's how you can create static routes in Next.js:

// Static Route Example export async function generateStaticParams() { return [{ slug: "one" }, { slug: "two" }, { slug: "three" }]; } function Post({ params }) { return <div>Post {params.slug}</div>; }

In this example, we use the "generateStaticParams" function to specify the static routes we want to build. When a user visits a static route, the server simply serves the pre-built page, resulting in significantly faster response times compared to dynamic routes.

Performance Comparison

To illustrate the performance difference between dynamic and static routes, consider the following:

Static routes, when pre-built, have response times as low as 12 milliseconds. Dynamic routes, which involve server-side rendering, can have response times around 166 milliseconds. Choosing Between Static and Dynamic Routes

The choice between static and dynamic routes depends on your specific use case. If your data can be pre-rendered and doesn't change frequently, static routes offer blazing-fast performance. On the other hand, if you require real-time data fetching or have routes with varying parameters, dynamic routes are more suitable.


Next.js provides developers with the flexibility to choose between dynamic and static routes, allowing you to optimize your application's performance based on your requirements. Understanding when and how to use each routing strategy is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience.

If you'd like to explore this topic further, feel free to visit our blog for more in-depth articles and tutorials. Additionally, you can join our community on Discord to connect with like-minded developers.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article helps you make informed decisions when working with routes in Next.js. Happy coding!

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